
Welcome to the Tacoma Corvette Club

e hope you share with us the fun and enjoyment of driving America's finest road car. TCC participates in a variety of events and functions throughout the year that are chosen in the interest of our members. We invite you to consider becoming a member of our club, and find MORE FUN, EXCITEMENT AND INVOLVEMENT with your Corvette.   "Save the Wave"

Please Scroll Down To The Bottom of the Page For More Web Site
& Event Calendars


TCC Dues Renewal Time

Time to Renew your Membership Dues


We Have 3 Options for you to use:

Use our Online Dues Renewal Form here...

Download the Dues Renewal Form and mail it in with your check

Pick up a Dues Renewal Form at the next meeting and pay at the meeting

Whichever option you choose...please note that the deadline is November 15th.

Thank you for renewing your TCC dues for 2025.

To Celebrate TCC's 40th Anniversary (February 15, 2025)

every TCC member will receive a 40th Anniversary lapel pin

when they renew their dues for 2025

Sept. 24 -
Sept. 25
For the First Leg of the Drive:
Meet at the Tacoma Mall Krispy Kreme Donuts, 4302 Tacoma Mall Blvd at 8:00 AM with an 8:30 departure.

Overnight Drive to the Cascade Locks in Oregon.
This 360-mile roundtrip drive will take us over the Bridge of the Gods and an overnight at the Best Western Cascade Locks hotel.
The next day we travel to Who-Song & Larry's Restaurant & Cantina in Vancouver, WA and then home via I-5 northbound.

Questions? Contact TCC Member Bob Vorak     bobvorak@gmail.com       253-318-9147
Best Western Cascade Locks
735 Wanapa St
Cascade Locks, Oregon
For Reservations Call:

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    2024 Events Calendar

    TCC Annual Open House

    See you in 2025

    Gamblin Chevrolet 10th Annual
    Corvette Show
    Thank You for Coming.
    See you next September...